Challenges of non formal education
Challenges of non formal education

challenges of non formal education

  • Low transition rates from primary to secondary, secondary to higher education institutions, and higher education to special fields or job market.
  • There are no proper motivation and clear follow up on adult education which discourages education in this level.

    challenges of non formal education

    Shortfall of adult literacy teachers as well as teaching and learning materials.This results due to inadequate machines and personnel in collecting, analyzing and recording correct data. Lack of reliable data on children with special needs, out-of-school children and illiterate adults and youth.

    challenges of non formal education

    The guidelines provided for implementation of educational plan are always inefficient. Lack of clear legal guidelines on the implementation of inclusive education and non formal education programs.For example in North Eastern parts of the country. Lack of adequate infrastructure and shortage of permanent classrooms in primary schools, particularly in poor counties.Here are some of the challenges facing education in Kenya Political challenges also are a major reason why these goals and objectives are still not achievable. Some of these challenges are natural, some financial in nature while others are economically and socially induced. There are several challenges facing education in Kenya that have been as blocks for attainment of goals and objectives of education in Kenya.

    Challenges of non formal education